Automated, Insight-Driven Feedback: Precision
and Clarity for HR

TruPulse Feedback is your gateway to actionable, data-driven employee engagement. With TruPulse, collecting meaningful feedback has never been easier or more precise. Leveraging powerful AI, TruPulse automatically generates targeted pulse surveys and moderates in-depth focus groups based on the real-time employee insights it uncovered. This ensures you receive relevant feedback from the right people while minimizing survey fatigue and providing clear, concise summaries of the most important information. Empower your HR team with the tools to understand and act on what truly matters to your workforce.

Insight Driven Surveys
Targeted Surveys, Powered by Real Employee Insights—Minimizing Fatigue, Maximizing Impact
TruPulse uses the Key Insights it generates each month to create recommended pulse surveys. All surveys are based on actual employee insights and so you know they are imp... Read More
Automated Focus Groups
AI-Driven Focus Groups: In-Depth Insights, Expertly Moderated, Clearly Summarized
TruPulse also uses Key Insights to plan and run AI moderated focus groups. Sometimes you need detailed feedback and focus groups allow in depth questioning on topics. Tru... Read More
The Employee Pulse
The First Newsletter Combining Workplace Psychology and HR Technology to Empower the Future of Work

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