Wednesday, May 17th 2023

Can Technology Help HR Understand Culture?

Corporate culture is the collective set of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that define an organization's identity and its way of doing business. A strong corporate culture can help drive employee engagement, increase productivity, and improve retention rates. However, understanding and managing corporate culture can be a challenge for HR professionals. Fortunately, advances in technology have opened up new possibilities for gaining insight into corporate culture and addressing issues such as employee engagement, DEI, toxicity, and sexual harassment.

What Aspects of Corporate Culture Should Companies Measure?

When it comes to measuring corporate culture, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Different companies may prioritize different aspects of culture depending on their industry, size, and business objectives. However, some common elements of corporate culture that companies may want to measure include:

Employee Engagement: Employee engagement refers to the level of commitment, enthusiasm, and dedication that employees have towards their work and the organization. Measuring employee engagement can help companies identify areas where they can improve communication, recognition, and career development opportunities.

Voice of the Employee (VoE): The Voice of the Employee concept refers to giving employees a platform to share their ideas, feedback, and suggestions on how to improve the workplace. Measuring VoE can help companies identify areas of improvement, identify potential problems, and foster a culture of inclusion and collaboration.

DEI: Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical components of a healthy corporate culture. Measuring DEI can help companies identify gaps and opportunities for improvement, set goals and targets, and track progress over time.

Corporate Morale: Corporate morale refers to the overall mood, satisfaction, and well-being of employees in the workplace. Measuring corporate morale can help companies identify potential problems that may be affecting employee engagement and productivity.

Toxicity and Sexual Harassment: Measuring the incidence of toxicity and sexual harassment in the workplace can help companies identify patterns and trends, take proactive steps to prevent them, and create a culture of respect, safety, and accountability.

3 Specific Technologies Companies Should Consider

Today’s workforce is a challenge to understand. The days of being able to walk the office floors, listen to anecdotal experiences from a few employees, and then make widespread changes to the workplace experience based on this feedback are over. Employees are now dispersed across corporate, regional, and home offices around the world. The employees most HR teams now work with are far more diverse and have so many different expectations from work than ever before. Customers, investors and employees also have far higher standards for companies to live up to with respect to cultural values. This makes it essential to use advanced technology to understand corporate culture to measure when you are on track in achieving goals, and what programs and training are helping drive desired cultural changes. 

Here are three major technologies that every company should be using.

AI Based People Analytics Software: AI is driving massive changes in companies today and now this same technology has been adapted to help HR. AI based People Analytics software can automatically and continuously measure employee morale, trending workplace topics and also measure cultural health in real time. These tools can help identify patterns and trends, track progress over time, and generate actionable insights that can inform HR policies and practices all without having to run surveys or hire expensive consultants. The most advanced AI based People Analytics software available is TruPulse.

Employee Engagement Platforms: Employee engagement platforms are software solutions that allow companies to measure, analyze, and improve employee engagement. These platforms typically use surveys, pulse checks, and other feedback mechanisms to gather data on employee attitudes, perceptions, and job satisfaction. Some popular employee engagement platforms include Glint, Culture Amp, and Qualtrics.

VoE Platforms: Voice of the Employee platforms are tools that allow employees to share their ideas, feedback, and suggestions on how to improve the workplace. These platforms can take various forms, such as online forums, suggestion boxes, or social media channels. Some popular VoE platforms include IdeaScale, SurveyMonkey, and Slack.

Technology is a Must to Measure Corporate Culture

Corporate culture is a crucial aspect of any organization, and understanding and managing it can be a challenge for HR professionals. However, AI technology has opened up new possibilities for gaining insight into corporate culture and addressing issues such as employee engagement, DEI, toxicity, and sexual harassment. By leveraging employee engagement platforms, VoE platforms, and AI based People Analytics software, companies can measure and analyze various aspects of corporate culture, identify areas of improvement, and create a more inclusive, respectful, and productive workplace. Ultimately, technology can help HR professionals gain a deeper understanding of corporate culture and make informed decisions that support the organization's strategic goals and values.

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